Once, on a sunny day, There was a fat and rich boy called Cody. He found a letter in his mailbox saying"Want to get fit, go to our latest gym to be fit and happy with your life.". He followed the map to the gym, he had to go over the long bridge and into the rainy rainforest. He made it to the tall trees when a mad monkey leaped in front of Cody."The most mad monkey in the world,which is me,will strangle you until you are no longer alive."shouted the Mad monkey.Cody said"Don't you wish fighting is fun, it'll be more fun if someone is stopping you and I am heading to the gym to get fit."."OK OK,you can pass, BUT MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK!",screamed the Mad monkey.Cody walked past the crazy monkey the just after he was halfway, an insane toucan dived towards Cody."Hello stranger, I am gonna peck you until you are no more.",said the toucan."PECK ME, I don't know how to fight it is actually more fun if I know how to fight and I'm going to the gym to get fit.",said Cody.The Toucan replied"Fine, Make sure you come back.".The Toucan let cody past on his trip. He almost made it past the rainforest until a poison arrow frog stopped Cody."Hi Hi, I am going to poison you, isn't that great. said the sly frog."That is NOT great and it would be more fun if I was more faster, I'm gonna be Faster in the gym."said cody. The frog said,"Come back when you're faster.".He finally made it to the gym an quickly became strong and fit, but he just remembered that a Monkey, Toucan and a Frog waiting to Murdur Cody. Luckily, he had an idea. He constuctred a giant ball out of apples, went inside it and tumbled down the rainforest. On the way, the poison arrow frog saw the ball but didn't know what was inside it, so he kicked the ball and followed it. The Toucan also saw the ball so he also kicked the ball and followed it.Cody almost made it when the monkey saw the ball an hit it with it's tail and Cody flew out of the ball.The animals were raged and ready to fight, but Cody said" The best of you will fight me first.".That sentence made the monkey, Toucan and the frog get into a fight!Cody rushed all the way back home safe and sound
The End
by Rafael